Message from Autonomy films: three fantastic events coming up! All at W.I. Hall, North St. Bridport.

Thurs 25th February

5.30pm – 6.30pm a free Youth Council workshop for 16-30-year-olds with the former Frome youth mayor.  Reserve a place from

7.30pm  Talk: Flatpack Democracy

In Frome, Somerset  local people have achieved an extraordinary revolution in how their council runs and have revitalized local politics. 5 Speakers from Frome are coming to Bridport to tell us about their ‘Flatpack Democracy’. All welcome. Organised by STIR. Entry:  £4

Sat 12th March

International Women’s Day Celebration focuses on Women Writers, all welcome.

5.30 for 6pm Play: Five Break the Spell  Join The Bookshop and members of Bridfem for a delightful evening of family friendly fun with a Participatory Pop-up Play where you can join in as actors or audience.  Our play, about a certain well-known British children’s author who set many of her adventures in Dorset, will be led by Beth Shaw, co-author of The Domestic Theatre Handbook.  The Bookshop will have a stall of books for sale by and about women. Admission Free/Donation, with tea and coffee.

8pm Autonomy Films presents: An Angel at My Table Jane Campion’s award-winning 1990 film of Janet Frame’s autobiography tells of her childhood in New Zealand and her triumph over mental illness to become a successful writer. (Colour, 2hrs 38mins)

Admission £3  or less if you’re skint Vegetarian soup on sale from  7.30pm.

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