What’s happened to Norwich Solfed farcebook page?

Someone’s been dicking about.

From Bristol SolFed:

“Our last contact with Norwich SF was at a federal conference a year ago, where the Norwich delegate informed us they were now the only member of Norwich Solfed. Norwich’s facebook page hadn’t been active for several months, so we assumed that the group had disbanded. We were aware of some bad blood between the current member and ex-members of Norwich SF. We don’t honestly know who is running their facebook page at the moment; whether it’s a troll, a former member with an axe to grind or a lingering bigot who simply hasn’t understood the organisation which they are part of.”

Most of the hot air appears to be emanating from this character, Walter Kovacks, seen here posing with an Israeli prick-enhancer, minus the magazine which is just as well, we wouldn’t trust them with a water pistol. We don’t know if they are/were ever a member of SolFed, but it seems unlikely. If you’re on it, please give them an ‘unlike’ from us.

Walter Kovacks and Israeli prick-enhancer.

Statement from Bristol Solidarity Federation regarding ‘norwich SF’ facebook page.