Siemens – stop union-busting in the USA

Re-blogged from B.P.A.C.C.
Please support an international campaign on behalf of Siemens workers in the USA. Unite have members working locally at Poole who have raised this issue with their local management and along with Unite nationally are seeking to influence this decision in the States.

Please click on the link below to add your support to the LabourStart email campaign. If “good” employers act like this and get away with it, then we are all in trouble….

USA: Stop Siemens union-busting

Siemens, the global engineering giant, likes to say it’s a socially responsible company. It even just signed an agreement with labour organizations committing to respect workers’ rights around the globe.

So what does Siemens do within days after signing this agreement?

It launches a vicious union busting campaign.

In Maryland, USA, Siemens has hired a top-dollar anti-union consultant and waged a campaign that’s included intimidation, surveillance, threats involving termination, and prohibiting Siemens employees from even talking about the union.

The workers at Siemens in Maryland are fighting back. They’re seeking to organize with the United Steelworkers and are reaching out to unions around the world for support.

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